Do you really know what you are looking for in a dating partner? Do the qualities that you say you want really match your dating history experience?

To find out the answer to this question, you need to make a list of the character qualities that you need in a dating partner, in order to have a good relationship.

For example, you might write honesty or someone who expresses genuine caring. Make sure you write only what you truly believe not what you think you others expect you to write. Put the most important qualities first.

Next, write down on a separate list everyone you have dated. When you are done, write the character qualities that you observed about them while you were dating. Write what you observed, whether those traits were positive or negative. Compare your first list of the qualities that you wanted with the second list of your dating history. Does it match?

Are you consistently dating people whose character qualities match what you need? If you are not and there is a wide difference between what you say you want and your actual dating experience, you need to take a deeper look at this gap. You may have not been as honest on list number one about what you actually want in a partner, or you are dating people without the character qualities you want on list number two, because you are not ready for a more serious committed relationship.

Take some time to write these lists this week.

Michelle Castelli

I am Michelle Castelli, an author, speaker, and relationship coach. I help people grow stronger and healthier relationships in these key areas of their life journey: Self, God/Spiritual, Dating, Marriage/family and Friends/co-workers.

I offer the empowering tool of personal coaching, and an insightful and life-changing podcast, blog, book, and relationship courses.