Are you constantly searching for that perfect love that will satisfy your emotional needs?

You don’ t need to be constantly searching for this type of love because no one is without this ultimate soulmate in their lives.

Do you know who this ultimate soulmate is? The soulmate who knows you completely, loves you fully, and is trustworthy and always faithful?

Sound like some kind of a dream soulmate?  Only this soulmate is not a dream version and is very much real.

You may be completely unaware that this soulmate is part of your life each day…. This soulmate is God.

Wait..what???  You might be asking yourself why is God the ultimate soulmate? If a soulmate is someone who knows us and accepts us as we are, then God becomes the ultimate soulmate who knows everything about us. No partner or spouse can ever know everything about us. We don’t share all our inner thoughts and feelings with them. God  however, does know what we long for in the deepest part of our souls. A true soulmate.

The Bible also tells us that our relationship with God is like a marriage. “For you husband is your maker” and “For the Lord has called you like a wife.” (Isaiah 54: 5-6). Jesus refers to himself as a bridegroom who comes to those who are ready to join the wedding banquet of heaven. (Matt 25:1) and Jesus first miracle was at a wedding. God was not only present at that marriage celebration, but is present in our marriages and relationships.

There is also a great story in the Bible of a woman who was searching for love. She married multiple times and was  currently living with a man. Jesus met her as she came to a well to get water. He knew what she was thirsting for at the deepest part of her soul and it wasn’t water but a committed, unconditional love relationship. Jesus told her that He was the living water.

She didn’t need to keep searching for that type of love in relationship after relationship, because he could fill that need.

Are you still searching for a faithful, committed, loving soulmate?

Click on the listen tab of this website to hear podcast episode #11 for more about having a relationship with our ultimate soulmate.















Michelle Castelli

I am Michelle Castelli, an author, speaker, and relationship coach. I help people grow stronger and healthier relationships in these key areas of their life journey: Self, God/Spiritual, Dating, Marriage/family and Friends/co-workers.

I offer the empowering tool of personal coaching, and an insightful and life-changing podcast, blog, book, and relationship courses.