Do you feel like your heart is in a million pieces after someone you love ends your relationship?

All of us have experienced the pain of someone letting go of our relationship with them, and the feelings of sadness and sense of rejection that can arise.

A breakup can often feel like someone has spilled the pieces of our heart like a puzzle with all the pieces out of order. In order to reassemble those pieces of your heart and see the clear picture of how you can move on in our life, you need to begin with how you feel about yourself after the breakup.

Look out for any negative self perceptions that have started after the breakup. Feelings of rejection can grow to a point where your self-esteem is affected.

The negative self bashing with thoughts like “No one wants to be in a relationship with me” or ” I can never have another loving relationship.” These thoughts can lead you to doubt your ability to have a strong and loving relationship again.

When you doubt your ability to have loving relationships, you now risk hiding your true self out of fear others will not love you. Also when you don’t treat yourself kindly after a breakup, you risk carrying your negativity into other relationships.

There are more pieces of your heart puzzle that will need to be picked up and reassembled after a breakup.  Go to the listen tab of this website to hear how on podcast episode #13…….



Michelle Castelli

I am Michelle Castelli, an author, speaker, and relationship coach. I help people grow stronger and healthier relationships in these key areas of their life journey: Self, God/Spiritual, Dating, Marriage/family and Friends/co-workers.

I offer the empowering tool of personal coaching, and an insightful and life-changing podcast, blog, book, and relationship courses.