Have you ever been to a wedding where you come away from it wondering if the bride and groom were even enjoying their own wedding?

Many brides and grooms are unaware that they are the ones who set the emotional climate for the wedding celebration, both at the ceremony and the reception. Wedding guests are then affected by the emotional climate that has been set.

This is because the guests are coming to the wedding to celebrate with you. However, if they are observing the bride and groom are not even enjoying their own wedding, they will also come away from the wedding feeling it was not a joyous event.

So what is it that gets in the way of a bride and groom thoroughly enjoying their own wedding day?  The most frequent reason  has to do with the drive for having the perfect wedding. The anxiety that occurs in a bride and groom when they are trying too hard to make the wedding day celebration a picture perfect event.

This is where they will over focus on the details rather than provide an atmosphere of hospitality and fun. This drive for perfection can come from within them in which the message they received in their life was they had to be perfect. But more often than not, it also has to do with competing with others on social media where they see people posting beautiful shots of their weddings and everything seems perfect. Then when their wedding arrives, they also want it to be perfect so they can post it on social media.

This anxiety that surrounds the need to have a perfect wedding contributes to the bride and groom trying to micromanage their own wedding details.

They do this by……..?

For the answer to this question, and to hear how to enjoy your own wedding day, click on podcast episode #42 on this website (locate by clicking the listen tab). Photo by AL Elmes.




Michelle Castelli

I am Michelle Castelli, an author, speaker, and relationship coach. I help people grow stronger and healthier relationships in these key areas of their life journey: Self, God/Spiritual, Dating, Marriage/family and Friends/co-workers.

I offer the empowering tool of personal coaching, and an insightful and life-changing podcast, blog, book, and relationship courses.